The Priest shot in 3D is another vampire flick which follows the pattern of few hollywood movies like Constantine, Max payne,underworld ...but it differs in terms visuals and fast paced script with 1+hr running time is plus.
Cast: Paul Bettany, Maggie Q, Karl Urban
Direction: Scott Charles Stewart
Genre: Action
The movie opens in the alternate western age world where vampire devastate humans. But the war between vampires and humans comes to end when the god-powered priest team aka holy warriors are trained to fight and they kill vampires -saves humanity. Rest of the vampire are under lock in giant prison where the god feared people live in closed city which is blessed by god a few distance from the waste land. All the trained priest are ordered to live a normal life with humans, as they are transferred to different sector.
All of sudden, Lucy(colly llins) is taken by a human-vampire breed . A priest(Paul Bettony) wants to save the girl at any cost and he disrespects the church consent order has they don't believe that vampire are no where. Priest tries to convince with the fact but they are disappointed towards him .So with a person, Lucy's lover he takes the journey to find the abducted girl trespassing the church forbids.
Four other god powered priest sent to find the Priest(Paul) to get back him or kill him..it is the order of consent . A priestess(Maggie Q) in the four believes the Priest(paul) lends support to find the girl and kill the vampires in order to save the humanity. Vampire escapes from the prison-forms new human breed -plans to attack the wall city. Why Priest is keen to save the girl? did they save the city? how are they trapped with deadly plans of Vampires traveling in a train in day and hunts the town in night? forms the crux
It is undoubt fully the special effects with some fairly imaginative-engaging visuals make the movie tick the clock. The sets of the walled city, waste lands, High -speed bikes, blind Blood suckers, kick ass weapons..will seal the movie. More than of performance, it is action scenes which is choreographed which makes audience glued to the seats. well executed action scenes..the climax train chase and Maggie Q kick ass action is .deadly..
Photography is dark and even more pervasive is the attraction . Editing for the movie running 1+ hrs is noteworthy with some deserted looks of waste lands and bike scenes are well displayed.Paul Bethony is unusal as priest is at his best in action. Maggie Q as priestess did a the role with conviction. Other cast ensures decent performance.Direction is noteworthy. Music is dashing.
The story between good and evil....Ah ah,,seen million time could have been handled better to differentiate from other blood sucking vampire movies. Day breakers, Underworld..few movie crosses our mind. 3D ...again it is monotonous not necessary for all the kick ass action movies...
Verdict: 4.5/10( 2 for visual effects, 1.5 for Action and 1 for music& performance)
Movie canvas punch: The Priest....feisty