G.i joe: Retailiation the second of its franshise has come out in 3D with stunt choreographer turned director john M chu directing the movie with solid casting of Rock and Bruce Wills ...few new cast addition in the movie makes worse than the first one G.i.Joe :the rise of Cobra....
Now the G.i. joe's work under Duke ( Chanting Tattum) where other team comprises Rock..Adrianna palicki ..snake eyes with few others..now into the mission to pakistan to protect the nuclear weapons from the terrorist ..but unfortunatly they kill the president of Pakistan and return to the base...But the end of the first part ,,the president of United states have been kidnapped by cobra team and replaces it by
cobra man with help of nano bytes..( resembles his face..),..with the fake president order secretly to kill all the Joe's who secure nation from each diasaster....only three of them survive ..Rock..Adrianna and one more has lost their captain Duke in the fight..
At the same, Snake eyes taken in to the prision where all the captured cobra's kept in scientific mode including cobra commander..but storm shadow takes the place of Sanke eyes ..kills the pakistani President and release all his Cobra members..escapes the prision with Cobra commander...then Where is Sanke eyes???..he is in the origin place where his guru's want revenge against storm shadow who killed the leader of the mut...with help of storm shadow sister, snake eyes travels to find ..bring Storm shadow to know his past..the three of Joes meet the head( Bruce Wills) who founded Joe..for help....did he help him?did they save the president and the nation from the cobra commander' Zeus plan? comes out in complete guns and guns....
It is the names of the stars in the movie..which makes us to buy tickets..Rock was macho in the movie ....in the tag of next Arnold or stallone ...Bruce wills has little screen space but he is cool and composed in his role as usual..Chanting Tattum is smart and funny in his crisp role...snake eyes and storm shadow do continue their skill better in this part too..Adrianne palicki is gorgeous in her attire..few action seqeunces are breathtaking..captured well..the snow mountain fight where snake eyes, storm sahdow and sister invoveld is thrilling & unseen action in the screen..the prision fight and climax do raise the tempo of the audience
The stunt choreographer has worked over time ...achieved at atlast for his hard work..new weapons ..new plots add some energy to the action flick.. Photography is another strength which travels rapidly with action scenes ..gun fights...editing is slick...obviously music adds vibrant to the joe's action invasion...
First one had a gripping end, but this second failed to take off from the beginning...lot's of guns/bullets wasted ..that too was not shot aesthetically...moreover the girls in the Rise of cobra Sienna miller and Rachel nicolas are curveous...dangerous...dashing in their stunts..where here both of them could not take off ..in acting and beauty...Chanting Tattum has been wasted..honestly rock & team spoiled the continuity of the movie though they add strength to the cast. the previous casting was far better ..
The story is good but could have made some interesting situations instead of unwanted dialgous and scenes which damper the speed of the movie.,,,music is very average...when compared first one and the direction falls flat ..more on action and less on story ..situations makes this Gi joe retailiation avery average action flick..
Verdict: 4.5( 1 for the cast, 1 for Snow mountain & prision fight, 1 for stunts , 1 for photography and .5 editing)
Movie canvas punch: G i joe:Retailiatiom ...irritation..